Classic Irises and the Men and Women Who Created Them
Clarence E. Mahan, 2007, 404 pages, color photographs

- Buriensis: The Search for Monsieur de Bure
- Aurea and the Man Who Built an Iris Garden for a King
- Madame Chereau and Monsieur Lémon
- Uchu and the Samurai Who Loved Irises
- Queen of May, John Salter, and the Secret of a Happy Life
- Sans Souci, the Iris That Lost Its Name
- Dalmatica and English Nurserymen
- Mrs. Horace Darwin: The Story of Sir Michael Foster
- Ivorine and an Artist Who Painted Iris
- Black Prince and the Potted Plantsman
- Nuée d'Orange: The Verdier Family, Old Roses, and Irises
- Oriflamme: The Lévêque de Vilmorin Legacy
- Fairy, the First American Garden Iris
- Ma Mie and Ferdinand Cayeux
- Loreley: Irises on the Rhine
- Quaker Lady, Bertrand Farr, and a Pennsylvania Legacy
- Ib-Mac: Plant Hunting, Iris Breeding, and C. G. Van Tubergen Jr.
- Lord of June and the Schoolmaster Who Made the World More Beautiful
- Demi-Deuil: The Story of Frenand Denis
- Souvenir de Madame Gaudichau and the Language of Irises
- Fulvala: The Story of William Rickatson Dykes
- B. Y. Morrison and the World's First Woman Plant Hybridizer
- Dominion and the Deaf Engineer from Morwellham
- Lent A. Williamson: Dragonflies and Irises in Indiana
- Mrs. Andrist and Willis Fryer
- Ann Page: The Story of Sir Arthur Hort
- Dusk and the "Last Universal Man"
- Aintabensis and the Man Who Climbed Mountains
- Iris Germanica
- Iris Florentina
- Ghost Irises
- Glossary
- Bibliography
- Index of Persons
- Index of Iris Cultivars and Species
Irises, A Gardener's Encyclopedia
Claire Austin, 2005, 339 pages, color photographs

- Tall Bearded Irises
- Border Bearded Irises
- Minature Tall Bearded Irises
- Intermediate Bearded Irises
- Standard Dwarf Bearded Irises
- Minature Dwarf Bearded Irises
- Aril Irises
- Arilbred Irises
- Siberian Irises
- Laevigata Irises
- Japanese Irises
- Louisiana Irises
- Pacifice Coast Irises
- Spuria Irises
- Other Beardless Species
- Interspecies Hybrids
- Reticulata Irises
- Dutch, Spanish, and English Irises
- Junos Irises
- Growing Irises in the Garden
- Pests and Diseases
- Hybridizing and Growing Irises from Seed
Theodore James, Jr, 2003, 96 pages, color photographs

- Irises in History
- Selecting Irises
- Irises in the Landscape
- Growing Irises
- Irises Indoors
The Gardener's Iris Book
William Shear, 2002, 170 pages, color photographs

- Meet the Irises
- Bearded Irises
- Siberian Irises
- Louisiana Irises
- Irises from Bulbs
- Irises for the Waterside
- Irises for Drier Spots
- Irises for Special Places and Times
- Growing your own Irises
Pamela McGeorge and Alison Nicoll, 2001, 96 pages, color photographs

- History and Outline of the Genus
- Bearded Irises
- Evansia or Crested Irises
- Beardless Irises
- Bulbous Irises
- Landscaping with Irises
- Picking and Packing
- Pests and Diseases
Tall Bearded Iris Pictorial Reference
Janice Frizzell, 2001, 160 pages, color photographs

- Hybridizer
- Year of Introduction
- Bloom Season
- Height

- Classification of Irises
- Color Patterns
- Buying Irises
- Bearded Iris Culture
- Aril and Arilbred Iris Culture
- Spuria Iris Culture
- Siberian Iris Culture
- Japanese Iris Culture
- Louisiana Iris Culture
- Pacific Coast Native Iris Culture
- Pests and Disease
- Creating New Varieties (Hybridizing)
- Showing Irises
- American Iris Society Awards
The Magic of Irises
Barbara Perry Lawton, 1998, 206 pages, color photographs

- Section I: The Lore and Legends of Irises
- Section II: Irises in American Gardens
- Section III: The Bearded Irises
- Section IV: The Beardless Irises
- Section V: Bulbous Irises
- Section VI: Pests and Diseases
- Section VII: Propagating Irises
- Section VIII: The Botany of Irises
- Appendices and Index
The Gardener's Guide to Growing Irises
Geoff Stebbings, 1997, 160 pages, color photographs

- Classification & Botany
- The Bearded Iris
- The Siberian Iris
- The Pacific Coast Iris
- The Water Iris
- The Spuria Iris
- The Stinking Iris
- The Dwarf Bulbous Iris
- Iris for the Specialist
- Iris as Cut Flowers
- The Value of Iris in the Garden
- Cultivation
- Hybridizing
- People & Their Plants
- Iris Relatives
- Appendices and Index
The World of Irises
American Iris Society, Bee Warburton, editor, 1978, 494 pages, color photographs

- Classification
- The History of Iris Development
- The Drama of Iris Development
- Tall Beardeds
- Minature Tall Bearded Irises
- Border Beardeds
- Rebloom
- Minature Dwarf Beardeds
- Standard Dwarf Beardeds
- Intermediate Beardeds
- Arils and Arilbreds
- The Louisiana Irises
- Pacific Coast Irises
- Siberian Irises
- Spuria Irises
- Hanashobu–the Japanese Irises
- The Evansia Irises
- Bulbous Irises
- The Lesser Known Irises
- Novelty Irises
- Culture and Propagation
- Pollination and Seed Growing
- Diseases of Irises
- Insect Pests of Irises
- Pigments of Irises
- Iris Genetics