American Iris Society
We invite Colorado gardeners to join the American Iris Society (AIS). You will learn about irises as you read our publications, hear guest speakers, and attend shows, sales, garden tours, and national conventions. Region 20 of the AIS covers all of Colorado. The Mountains & Plains Iris Society (metro Denver area) normally meets at the Denver Botanic Garden. However, due to the ongoing construction this year, meetings and shows will be scheduled at a variety of locations as noted on the Events page. The Elmohr Iris Society in Colorado Springs and the Loomis Iris Society in Rocky Ford and Pueblo, serve members in those areas. An iris enthusiast is ready to answer your questions - contact a Region 20 officer club officer or an officer of a local affiliate for more information.
Members of the American Iris Society serve as judges for regional and group iris shows where awards are presented for the best irises exhibited in a variety of classifications.
The Bulletin of The American Iris Society is a quarterly magazine with color images and information about iris growing and events across the nation, new iris introductions, award winners, and the most popular irises.

An index to American Iris Society Bulletins can be found on the AIS website.
The Basic Iris Culture booklet contains information on growing all varieties of irises, classifications of irises, color patterns, and a short description of how to hybridize irises.
The semi-annual Region 20 Newsletter which covers activities in Colorado including show, tour, and sale information, speakers and program information, local iris growers and hybridizers.
You can join the American Iris Society by sending your check or charging instructions to:
The American Iris Society
Tom Gormley
P.O Box 177
DeLeon Springs, FL 32130
Dues may be paid by check, VISA or Mastercard
E-mail inquiries to: aismemsec @
Phone: 386-277-2057
Annual | Single: $30.00 | Dual: $35.00 |
Triennial | Single: $70.00 | Dual: $85.00 |
Youth | Single: $ 8.00, without Bulletin $12.00, with Bulletin |